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Hello, my name is Ken Bentzen, I am the owner of Minimaks. I am selling great products, mainly made from China. Even though many products are of poor quality, there are some products that stands out from the rest. I make sure that there is a "money back" guarantee in case you are not satisfied with what you have purchased.
I hate bad products that do not fullfil what you are looking for. I only want to sell products with best user feedback and reviews. Less stress for you and less stress for me. Of course not all customers can be happy all the time - however I do try my best.
Here is a link to my where you can read about all reviews of this shop and their products. Do not take my words for granted, verify that I am actually a real merchant to do business with.
Minimaks v/ Ken Bentzen,
Halldor Laxnessvej 14 st tv, 2300 København S. Denmark, CVR: 26230136